
Tufte Template

I've been playing with the Pelican static site generator to automate producing the HTML for this site. Most of Pelican's default templates are busy and ugly, Reminiscent of the web circa 2011. and I have little interest in spending a lot of time tweaking flex-boxes. I want something that is primarily concerned with text, and that lacks clutter.

I looked at a list of lightweight CSS libraries and played with a few. Sakura is pretty attractive, but doesn't quite suit my tastes. Tacit is also appealing, but isn't beautiful out of the box. Eventually I came across the page demonstrating a CSS framework based on Edward Tufte's typography. This felt appropriate for what I wanted this new site to be... and so I modified the base Jinja template Pelican uses to make use of it. I will iron out some more kinks, and then I will see if I can get it added to the Pelican Templates index.